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1、搭配 同义词 请点击输入图片描述 adv+vvirtually eliminate权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 virtually显示所有例句adv1 几乎差不多事实上实际上almost or very nearly, so that any slight difference is not。

2、首先这里的anywhere是副词,副词修饰副词是很正常的from virtually anywhere是一介词短语from是一个特殊介词,除了后续名词外,还可以后续形容词副词和介词短语。

3、1 English has hurt me a thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love英语伤我千百遍,我待英语如初恋2 I picked first all the people who usually were left till last我先挑出了所有通常留。

4、12 A vast treasuretrove of virtually unheard melody awaits discovery by this new audience大量不为人知的优美旋律正等著这批新听众来发掘13 Double rhythms, resounding through the lyric depiction and connecting。

5、30 next to virtually impossible,替换nearly almost impossible 英语考试中120的满分,102算不算高分? 96分是优秀,如此看来,亲,你的成绩还不错,但仍需努力英语这门课蛮好学的,多识单词,多记语法,关键是认认真真地做英语作。

6、Virtually all the members were in agreement with the proposal我并不完全同意你I do not altogether agree with you如果你同意我的意见,就明白地回答ldquo是rdquoAnswer with a plain quotyesquot if you agree。

7、n 说话者发言者说某种语言者扬声器 例句These gestures are extremely important as they virtually negate what the speaker says翻译这些肢体动作极其重要,因为它们几乎否定掉说话者所说的话短语brilliant。

8、范文Examinations are one of the most common methods of measuring learning in education systems throughout the world At virtually every stage of the learning process, exams are used to verify that the learner。

9、1D Father followed the doctor’s instruction as when to give his son medicines “followed the doctor’s instruction”遵医嘱,父亲按照医生的嘱咐来给儿子用药A结论B规章C考虑,这个短语算是常用搭配 2B It。

10、t释义n 精神,心灵 情绪 勇气精髓v 神秘地带走例句The human spirit is virtually indestructible 人的精神实际上是不可摧毁的第三人称单数spirits 复数spirits 现在分词spiriting。

11、来自会议的没有限制单方面实际的法院的决议 the Court’s assertion 中心。


12、无疑,每个结果必定有其原因 he has virtually no understanding of social cause and effect我不明白他作的说明 It is difficult to conceive an effect without a cause很难设想出一种没有原因的结果 an active。



14、unknowns战争的持续时间是其中一个最大的未知数He was an unknown writer他是个没有名气的作家A hundred years ago coronary heart disease was virtually unknown in America100年前,冠心病在美国几乎从未有过。

15、相关词virtually读法 #712v#604#720t#643u#601li 美 #712v#604#720rt#643u#601liadv 事实上,几乎虚拟地,模拟地 词汇搭配virtually safe dose 实际安全剂量 virtually。

16、 例句 ,It bears her maiden name on the side,上面写有她未婚时的名字, 初次的,无经验的 , 例句 ,It was virtually the maiden expedition of these o ambitious young forest soldiers,这次行动才是这。

17、10 Anita pushed her plate away she had eaten virtually nothing安妮塔把自己的盘子推开她几乎什么都没吃11 She brought in a tray heavy with elegant sandwiches, scones and cakes她端进来一只盘子,里面盛满。



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