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1、Chinese Japanese Napalese sudanese telegraphese vietnamese17以clude结尾,读音为kl?d的动词conclude exclude include occlude preclude seclude18以esce结尾,读音为es的词汇coalesce deliquesce effloresce evanesce recru;The Simens Limited liability company#39s predecessor was in 1847 founds in Berlin#39s Simens the Halse gram telegraph manufacture company in 1897 this company changed the Jointstock company, in 1966 named;第一,首先最初 first电报telegraph电冰箱 fridge电池battery电话打电话 phone=telephone电话打电话给 telephone电话传呼机 beeper电脑,计算机 computer电视机 TV电梯云雾消散 lift电影film电影movie电影院电影 cinema电子的 electr;短语 the publication of the unveiling of thereport,这里可以让Wed作主语,谓语用markwitnesssee来组句平行文本出处0706chilcotreport2003iraqwarwasunnecessar。

2、这件事一定要干, 不过要严守秘密短语秘密报告 secret report秘密串连 make secret contacts with sb秘密电报 讯 bamboo telegraph bamboo wireless秘密斗争 underground struggle秘密会议 secret meeting closeddoor session;1The surface ship engine telegraph潜艇在水面行驶时所用的车钟2Synchronize telegraph with the one in engine room and report与机舱对车钟并报告3Penicillin came second, followed by the dna double helix;The boy’s father was so thankful that he taught Edison how to send messages by railway telegraph 孩子的父亲是那么的`感激,于是他教爱迪生怎样通过铁路电报来传达信息 4 表示“逐个”,“逐批”的意思 One by one they;超时空转换Telegraphing troops arriving in 5,4,3,2,1,Reinforcements have arrived! 传送部队到达倒记时5,4,3,2,1,援军到达! 任务版 闪电风暴lighting storm created!闪电风暴已经生成! 苏联矿车war miner is her。


3、是的指挥官先生! 超时空转换Telegraphing troops arriving in 5,4,3,2,1,Reinforcements have arrived! 传送部队到达倒记时5,4,3,2,1,援军到达! 任务版 闪电风暴lighting storm created!闪电风暴已经生成! 苏联矿;超时空转换Telegraphing troops arriving in 5,4,3,2,1,Reinforcements have arrived! 传送部队到达倒记时5,4,3,2,1,援军到达! 任务版 闪电风暴lighting storm created!闪电风暴已经生成! 苏联矿车war miner is。




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