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[drafted]drafted into


1、forwardshooting guard Tracy quotTMacquot McGrady was born in Bartow, Fla, on May 24, 1979 The 6#39 8quot hoops prodigy was one of the earliest players to go straight out of high school and get drafted;vi拟稿 绘样 作草图adj初步画出或写出的 设计草图提纲或版本正在起草中的,草拟的 以草稿形式的 草图的第三人称单数drafts过去分词drafted复数drafts现在进行时drafting过去式drafted 以上;decision drafted是起始状态,延伸的意思是起草的决定,最开始的想法和决定重点词decision 读音英 d#618#712s#618#658n 美 d#618#712s#618#658nn作出的决定,抉择决断。

2、建议的英文是proposal一读音 pr#601#39p#601#650zl二意思是建议提议三例句 She had had many proposals but preferred to remain single许多人向她求过婚,但她愿过独身生活四词汇用法 1;I mean, I knew everything about every player that#39s ever played here So to be drafted and then traded to this organization and to spend 20 years here, I mean, you can#39t write something better than;They sat down and drafted a letter to the local newspaper他们坐下来, 给当地的报纸草拟了一封信选派, 抽调 He was drafted last autumn by the Detroit Lions他去年秋天被底特律雄狮队选作队员了They drafted;The handwriting is very sloppy字写得很草3 初步的 非正式的 drafted not final draft of a plan, law, etc草案 动词 1 书 起草 draft draw up draft 草拟 draft a document 起草文件。

[drafted]drafted into

3、2He has drawn up the design draft他拟定了设计草图二用作及物动词vt1Who will draft the indictment?谁将起草起诉状2John was drafted into the Army last year约翰去年被应征入伍;字写得很草3 初步的 非正式的 drafted not final例句 draft of a plan, law, etc草案动词起草 draft例句draw up draft草拟 draft a document 起草文件 以上来源于 新汉英大辞典;adj初步画出或写出的设计草图提纲或版本正在起草中的,草拟的以草稿形式的草图的vt起草草拟选派抽调第三人称单数 drafts复数 drafts现在分词 drafting过去式 drafted过去分词 draftedd;选拔为某种,通常是义务性的服务而从一群人中选拔drafted into the army被征召入伍 To draw up a preliminary version of or plan for起草为制定草案或计划 To create by thinking and writing compose;A In 1827 they drafted B The draft in 1827 C In 1872 was drafted D Drafted in 1827 905答案 D分词短语作状语,表示时间此结构可扩展为一状语从句where the constitution of the Cherokee;选秀大会很离谱的解释draft 草稿, drafted 起草 undrafted。

4、一详细释义 , n , 草稿,草图 C , 例句 ,We#39ll prepare a draft according to our standard contract,我们会根据我们的标准合同,准备一份草案, 例句 ,He had painfully written out a first draft;draft1名词草稿草案草图汇票运动员选拔制某些职业运动队每年在大学生中选拔新队员2形容词 初步画出或写出的设计草图提纲或版本 正在起草中的,草拟的以草稿形式的草图的3动词;tape you can take out the giggles4他起草了一份给编辑的标准信函He drafted a standard letter to the editors 可见,用作名词“编辑者”时,为职业,多用editor用作动词时,为动作,用edit或者compile。

5、be drafted into 征召入伍征招入伍 双语例句 1 Be drafted into the army 应征入伍 2 Despite a fundamental horror of violence, John allowed himself to be drafted into the army约翰尽管生来就憎恶暴力,还是。

[drafted]drafted into



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